34 Virginis
34 Virginis is found in the constellation Virgo and is 271.21 light years away from Earth. 34 Virginis is a white star and is categorized as a hotter than average star.
- Flamsteed:
- 34 Virginis
- SAO:
- 100260
- HR:
- 4855
- HD:
- 111164
- DM:
- BD+12 2512
- GC:
- 17371
- HIP:
- 62394
- Right Ascension:
- 12h 47m 13.638s
- Declination:
- +11° 57' 29.05"
- Magnitude:
- 6.1
- Distance:
- 271.21 Light Years
- Spectral Type:
- A3V
- Constellation:
- Virgo